Christian Talk That Rocks with Richie L.

Christian Talk Radio Show Online

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Up-Coming Guests

Below, you will find a list of regular, current and up-coming guests for Christian Talk That Rocks.  If you would like to be considered for a guest interview on our talk radio show, contact Richie or Belinda by e-mail at or ph. (276) 336-3091 with a radio press kit and a brief bio about yourself. You may also send an mp3 of your music if you are a band or recording artist
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It is with heavy hearts yet joy that he is now with The Lord. Don Sylvester passed away Wed. Sept. 22, 2021 in his hometown of Raleigh NC. Don Sylvester used to join us regularly to share his insights on economic and financial issues from a Christian Perspective. His contributions to this show and it's success have been immeasurable. He will be sorely missed. He leaves behind his wife Beth, 3 children, several grand-children and many grateful and informed listeners.
6/22/2022: Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services and lives outside of Rochester and in Buffalo, NY with his wife and ten children. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement. He will discuss the recent firebombing of the Buffalo facility by Jane's Revenge in the bottom of the frist hour. 
10/14/2022 in the first hour, Bill Bean, Christian paranormal investigator and exorcist, joins us to discuss.his book, "Tales From An Exorcist"
4/18/2023 in the second hour,  Dr. Ingrid Skop, FACOG
Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs
Charlotte Lozier Institute, joins us to discuss her first hand experience treating women for complications of the abortion pill, including performing emergency surgery earlier this year on a woman who bled for two months after taking the abortion pill. Dr. Skop’s research formed the basis for Lozier Institute’s amicus brief in the AHM v FDA case.

5/5/2023 in the second hour, Hollywood Screenwriter on JFK Assassination, James DiEugenio joins us to discuss why there are still too many unanswered questions, too many BLOCKED documents regarding JFK's assassination.
8/22/2023 Our guest in the second hour: Dr. Kent Hovind teaches creation out of Genesis Baptist Church and Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox Alabama, a 140-acre property where he uses science to prove the Bible is 100% true and accurate. Kent has been doing ministry work for over 50 years, and has taken part in over 300 debates against evolution. He does a live broadcast 6 nights a week on his YouTube channel: Genesis Baptist Church.
12/19/2023 Our guest in the second hour is PR expert  and author Brian McGovern. Brian's latest book, “Beyond the Bushel,” is a comprehensive guide for churches and faith-based organizations on establishing and managing their public relations posture. He will share his insights and expertise on how an effective public relations strategy is a must for all ministries in today's information and social media age.
9/5/2024 Our guest in the second hour is Merle Temple,the author of the Michael Parker series. His Christian novels are written as fiction but drawn from his experiences as a deputy sheriff, a Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics agent and captain in the first drug wars, a manager in the corporate world, and a Georgia campaign chairman where the world tried to crush him. He joins us to discuss his latest book, "Sixteen Coal Black Horses: A Bunker Stout Mystery."